Covert Sharpshooter
Heartbreaker specializes in marksmanship. All of her equipment is designed to give her an edge in long-range combat.
Real nameMarisol Zamora
Age at transformation34
Place of birthBogotá, Colombia

Marisol Zamora is the daughter of a notorious criminal figure who bought his family's way into space. With a sharp intellect and rifle skills, Marisol ruthlessly eliminated her family's rivals and took charge of the Syndicate. However, she turned her attention to creating a Hunter to improve profits. This neglect of her empire gave her rivals an opening. Despite surviving their assassination attempt, Marisol's health deteriorated, pushing her to merge her consciousness with the Hunter she had financed.
The Syndicate, a coalition of Earth's disparate criminal factions, operates under a unique rotational leadership, ensuring each gang's interests are periodically prioritized. This delicate balance is maintained through shared profits and a common language, Yǔyán útil. Amidst rising tensions and the prolonged tenure of a new Director, The Syndicate's unity is tested, focusing on Starfall acquisition and influencing the Survivors' War's outcomes.

First, I'll break your heart… And then I'll break everything else!