Reworked System Trees
Each Hunter now has 1 System Tree that has Nodes for Weapons, Mainframe and Abilities.
Removed Ability Power Stat Nodes.
Added Ability Stat Nodes that scale Hunter Ability Base Stats.
Some Nodes scale differently depending on the Mod used.
Added Unique Effect Nodes that provide additional powers.
Each Hunter has 3 Unique Nodes spread across their System Tree that can be active at the same time.
Reworked Ability Power stat
All abilities have had their AP Scaling replaced by Ability Stat Nodes.
Ability Power is now an In-Match only stat and is increased by:
All Enhancement Cores according to their Tier.
Leveling up by Energy Cells.
Ability Power increases ability effectiveness by a flat percentage.
Hunters begin a match at 100% Ability Power.
At 110% AP a Frag Grenade would do 1100 Damage instead of the base 1000.
Active Effects which previously provided Ability Power have been adjusted to work with the new system.
Added visual for Shield recharging and when fully charged.
Increased the height that Hunters can fall from and maintain Supersprint.
Reduced time to activate Supersprint.
Reduced time that shooting is disabled after sprinting and Supersprinting.
Plasma Arc
Base Stats
Reduced Explosion Trigger Duration from 1.5s → 1s.
Reduced Arc Activation Duration from 2s → 0.75s.
Reduced Arc Cancellation Duration from 0.5s → 0.25s.
Mod: Lightning
Increased Base Explosion Damage from 2000 → 2500.
Increased Base Arc Speed from 30m/s → 35m/s.
Mod: Stalker
Reworked Active Effect 3: Reload weapon after Blink.
Now: Blink activation grants a buff for 10s causing the next 4 shots to steal enemy structure equal to 20/30% of the damage dealt.
Mod: Nimble
Reworked Active Effect 3: Allies within radius also gain stealth.
Now: On Stealth activation, allies within 75/100m get 20% increased movement speed for the duration of Heartbreaker's stealth.
Energy Barrier
Mod: Assess
Increased cooldown per charge from 45s → 50s.
Reduced duration from 22s → 20s.
Added Pylon Structure scaling to Active Effect 2.
Pylon structure is now increased by 1500/2000/2500/3000.
Mod: Conundrum
Reduced Base Barrier Structure from 10000 → 8000.
Changed Active Effect 1 according to new Base Barrier Structure and reduced scaling.
Increases Barrier Structure to 8800/9600/10400/11200/12000.
Added Pylon Structure scaling to Active Effect 3.
Pylon structure is now increased by 2000/3000.
Assault Rifle
Mod: Relentless
Increased Base Ammo Regeneration rate.
1-24 Bullets:
0.625s (15s total) → 0.5s (12s total)
25-48 Bullets:
1.458s (35s total) → 1.16s (28s total)
49-72 Bullets:
3.3s (80s total) → 2.8s (67s total)
Mod: Barrage
Increased base damage from 110 → 130.
Reduced base clip size from 36 → 30.
Shield Recharge
Mod: Overdrive
Changed scaling from 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% → 4/8/12/16/20% increased damage for 5s on activation.
Frag Grenade
Mod: Detonator
Reworked Active Effect 1: Impacted enemies receive an increased damage taken debuff.
Now: Enemies damaged by the grenade deal 4/8/12/16/20% less damage for 5s.
Leech Gun
Base Stats
Increased Base Damage converted to Structure from 50% (Mod: Siphon)/40% (Mod: Drain)→ 75%.
Removed structure restoration effect to allies shot with Leech Gun.
Missile Barrage
Base Stats
Reduced Base Damage per Missile from 350 → 250.
Increased Damage Bonus per Missile when activated with Full Rage from 20 → 50.
Glacial Armor
Mod: Iceberg
Reduced Base Armor Structure from 10000 → 7000.
Changed Active Effect 1 according to new Base Barrier Structure and reduced scaling.
Increases Armor Structure by 500/1000/1500/2000/2500.
Mod: Ferocity
Reduced Base Armor Structure from 8000 → 5000.
The System Tree is divided into 4 sections, that unlock as Players reach a certain number of unlocked nodes and Hunter Level on a given Hunter:
Section | Total Nodes (Excluding Unique Nodes) in Section | # of Required Nodes | Required Hunter Level |
1 | 9 | 0 | 1 |
2 | 17 | 10+ | 10+ |
3 | 18 | 20+ | 20+ |
4 | 19 | 30+ | 30+ |
Unique Nodes also have specific unlock requirements:
Unique Node | # of Required Nodes | Required Hunter Level |
1 | 20+ | 20+ |
2 | 30+ | 30+ |
3 | 30+ including all 4 nodes in the row immediately above | 30+ |
Unique Nodes
Unique Node 1
When Blink starts and ends it reloads the weapons of both Fenris and all allies in a 50m radius by 50%. Does not conserve reserve ammo.
Unique Node 2
The beams of Plasma Arc have a 10% chance to deal +80% damage.
Unique Node 3
Fenris gains an unstoppable Supersprint for 3s after jumping or dashing.
2x Distance Nodes
Each node grants +25 Distance, for a total of +50m Distance.
Blink travel speed also increases with Nodes.
Plasma Arc
3x Explosion Damage Nodes
Mod: Lightning
Each node grants +250 Damage, for a total of +750 Damage.
Mod: Thunderbolt
Each node grants +100 Damage, for a total of +300 Damage.
3x Arc Damage Nodes
Mod: Lightning
Each node grants +20 Damage, for a total of +60 Damage.
Mod: Thunderbolt
Each node grants +50 Damage, for a total of +150 Damage.
Unique Nodes
Unique Node 1
Sonar Pulse grants 10% damage resistance to allies for its duration.
Unique Node 2
Automatically casts Stealth when Heartbreaker falls below 35% Structure. This effect has a 120s cooldown.
Unique Node 3
Stealth is applied to all allies within a 75m radius when used.
4x Duration Nodes
Each node grants +1.25s Duration, for a total of +5s Duration.
Sonar Pulse
4x Radius Nodes
Each node grants +50 Radius, for a total of +200 Radius.
Unique Nodes
Unique Node 1
Weaver restores 1% of his maximum Structure per second while the Barrier is undamaged.
Unique Node 2
Weaver gains an instant and unstoppable Supersprint in a 30m radius around the Barrier.
Unique Node 3
Destroying a Hunter with Minigun refills its energy by 33% or 17% for non-Hunter enemies.
Energy Barrier
3x Structure Nodes
Mod: Assess
Each node grants +600 Barrier Structure, for a total of +1800 Barrier Structure.
Mod: Conundrum
Each node grants +800 Barrier Structure, for a total of +2400 Barrier Structure.
Starting Barrier Structure also increases with Nodes.
2x Energy Nodes
Each node grants +150 Energy, for a total of +300 Energy.
3x Damage Nodes
Each node grants +25% Damage, for a total of +75% Damage.
Unique Nodes
Unique Node 1
Activating Shield Recharge restores 1000 Shield Points to allies in a 50m radius.
Unique Node 2
Enemies hit by the explosion of Frag Grenade take 25% more damage from Assault Rifle for 5s.
Unique Node 3
Activating Shield Recharge causes an explosion that deals damage equal to 25% of Razorside's maximum Shield Points in a 25m radius.
Shield Recharge
4x Shield Nodes
Mod: Overdrive
Each node grants +210 Shield Restoration, for a total of +840 Shield Restoration.
Mod: Rampart
Each node grants +350 Shield Restoration, for a total of +1400 Shield Restoration.
Frag Grenade
4x Damage Nodes
Mod: Detonator
Each node grants +150 Damage, for a total of +600 Damage.
Mod: Shrapnel
Each node grants +187.50 Damage, for a total of +750 Damage.
Unique Nodes
Unique Node 1
When using a Repair Kit, Trenchwalker also restores Structure for allies with 50% efficiency.
Unique Node 2
Shooting allies with Leech Gun restores 1250 Structure per shot.
Unique Node 3
Hybrid Grenade additionally restores 50% of its heal as Shield Points.
Leech Gun
3x Damage Nodes
Mod: Drain
Each node grants +100 Damage, for a total of +300 Damage.
Mod: Siphon
Each node grants +80 Damage, for a total of +240 Damage.
2x Energy Nodes
Each node grants +150 Energy, for a total of +300 Energy.
Hybrid Grenade
3x Damage & Healing Nodes
Each node grants +65 Damage and +60 Structure Restoration per Second, for a total of +195 Damage and +180 Structure Restoration per Second.
Unique Nodes
Unique Node 1
Enemies damaged by Sentinel Drone take 12% more damage for 5s.
Unique Node 2
Enemies damaged by Vengeance Strike are marked for 10s and can be seen by Prophet and his allies through objects.
Unique Node 3
Sentinel Drone heals itself and allies for 1.5% Structure per second in a 50m radius.
Summon Sentinel
2x Damage Nodes
Each node grants +25% Drone Weapon and Barrage Damage, for a total of +50% Drone Weapon and Barrage Damage.
2x Structure Nodes
Mod: Martyr
Each node grants +525 Structure, for a total of +1050 Structure.
Mod: Harbinger
Each node grants +700 Structure, for a total of +1400 Structure.
Vengeance Strike
2x Damage Nodes
Mod: Trial
Each node grants +160 Damage per Missile, for a total of +320 Damage per Missile.
Mod: Inferno
Each node grants +105 Damage per Missile, for a total of +210 Damage per Missile.
2x Missile Nodes
Each node grants +3 Missiles, for a total of +6 Missiles.
Unique Nodes
Unique Node 1
While Glacial Armor is active, Ursus gains an instant and unstoppable Supersprint.
Unique Node 2
When the effect of Glacial Armor ends, it shatters violently dealing 25% of its remaining Structure to all enemies within a 25m radius.
Unique Node 3
Instantly reloads multiple weapon charges at once when starting to reload. Up to 3 charges with a 12s cooldown.
Missile Barrage
4x Damage Nodes
Each node grants +25 Damage per Missile, for a total of +100 Damage per Missile.
Glacial Armor
4x Armor Structure Nodes
Mod: Iceberg
Each node grants +525 Armor Structure, for a total of +2100 Armor Structure.
Mod: Ferocity
Each node grants +375 Armor Structure, for a total of +1500 Armor Structure.
🛈 Drone AI has been completely rewritten to put designers in direct control over their behaviors. This means we can create new, more complex and sophisticated drone behaviors in the future, which will make them more varied and satisfying to fight against. Please look forward to it!
Updated Guard drone AI.
🛈 We've also updated the drone models to make them more visually appealing and fit better within our world.
Updated Drone models with new animations, visual effects and audio effects.
The new models are featured in every mode but Hunter Training.
🛈 With this change to implement instant interacts we want to improve the looting interaction experience and reduce time spent waiting for players. Our goal was mainly to inject a bit more responsiveness to specific common types of loot players will find: Cores, Energy and Ammo.
Updated Cores, Energy and Ammo Crates to be able to be picked up instantly.
Increased Enhancement Core pickup radius.
Updated matchmaking to significantly reduce queue time for Players with low Hunter Level.
🛈 In recent playtests, we've gathered a significant amount of feedback on the new game mode, Starfall Harvest. Your input has been invaluable and is shaping our next steps for improving the experience. While we continue to refine Starfall Harvest, we've reenabled Last Stand as the primary game mode. Please look forward to our next iteration!
Added Last Stand as the main Game Mode.
Removed Starfall Harvest from Game Modes.
Added Rogue Drones to Skirmish (VS AI).
Hunter Training
Updated Trenchwalker's voice lines.
Added optional mission to use abilities.
Added optional mission to loot energy cells and enhancement cores.
Removed specific references to Starfall Harvest from Training Mission text.
Updated waypoint effects for Hunter Training and Battle Training.
Added icons for the Tutorial on Account Leveling.
Removed pixelated clouds or black artifacts in the sky on Crimson Ridge when using the Cloudy Light preset.
Added tree uprooting, breaking, and ground impact effects for destructible trees.
Added glitter effect to sand.
Added river vegetation.
Removed walls surrounding Extraction zone.
🛈 Quarry is now Stonecutter Keep! We wanted to achieve three things with the name change. Firstly, to retain a creative association with the UK, as the map is set there. Secondly, to evoke a sense of the old Earth to help familiarize and ground the science-fiction of our world. Finally, a term that rolled off the tongue, was iconic and could distinguish itself from our other maps.
Renamed Quarry to Stonecutter Keep.
Updated Mission Rewards:
Daily Missions now reward Credits and Credit Boosters.
Combat Missions now reward 3 Platinum.
Training Missions now reward 1 System Point, 3000 Credits and 10 Platinum.
Updated Hunter and Battle Training to no longer reward Hunter XP.
Updated Starfall Shards to Starfall conversion for Platinum.
It now costs 1 Platinum per 25 Shards converted.
Updated Combat Missions to show the name of the Hunter in the Mission Bar.
Updated Combat Missions to hide missions for not unlocked Hunters.
Increased Account Level progression speed.
Increased Credit Booster multiplier for all grades.
Replaced Credits received from Account Level progression with Credit Boosters.
Decreased Credits received from Matches.
Decreased Credit cost to upgrade Gear.
Removed "Win by Extraction" Daily Mission.
Removed "Convert Starfall Shards to Starfall" Daily Mission.
Added "Deal Damage to Hunters" Daily Mission.
Removed Bonus Missions, which will be reworked.
Updated icon for Account Level Experience Points.
Updated Currency and Booster icons.
Removed Player Profile from Hangar screen.
Players can still access the Account Leveling screen from the sidebar.
Improved consistency of original map music playlists.
Added various sound effects to the Hangar.
Added new loading screen and battle music.
Added Report Button to Hangar menu and Battle menu.
Will launch the Steel Hunters support website when clicked.
Updated Loadout screen in Hangar.
Updated Settings visuals.
Updated visuals and visibility of small and large shield barriers.
Improved Hunter color tones in the Hangar.
Updated default firing angle from -82/+82 to -72/+68.
Lowered the default mouse sensitivity and adjusted the range that mouse sensitivity can be set to.
Updated Teams tab to close automatically when the Player reloads, aims, activates a consumable or ability, or melee attacks.
Improved Dash, AirDash, Jump and Falling animations.
Reduced camera pan time between Sprint and Supersprint.
Updated stored ammo to be set to max at match start.
Added "Replace" text when collecting a second Special Kit.
Updated "Exit Game" Confirmation Screen to match new UI.
Updated Level Up animation to close after 3 seconds.
Added Wallet screen and tooltip to Hangar screen.
Added ability to rebind the "Teams" tab to a different key.
Added Ukrainian, Russian, Chinese (Simplified) and Chinese (Traditional) to the Language Select options.
Added regional game settings for Korea and China to comply with requirements.
Added chat restrictions for some regions to comply with requirements.
Disabled controller inputs when alt-tabbed or minimized.
Added a button to the Steel Hunters Discord on the Hangar screen.
Added new full screen displays during the New Player Experience.
Added Easy Anti-Cheat.
Added support for advanced technologies:
Temporal Super Resolution (TSR) - a technology that uses frame analysis to improve performance.
NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) - a NVIDIA technology that uses artificial intelligence to improve performance.
Fixed energy cap after revive. Players can no longer pick up energy over the maximum.
Fixed an issue where the navigation leash on the map would point to the wrong location.
Fixed Input settings incorrectly showing the jump setting as "Press to dash, hold to jump" when it was set to "Separate control".
Fixed experience from accumulating beyond maximum level.
Fixed newly unlocked Hunters not being auto-selected.
Fixed Players being unable to see the price for Hunter Level Up.
Fixed issue where BattlePass reward preview led to an empty screen.
Fixed text referring to Gear and Booster unlocks.
Fixed game crash the occurs when exiting the game after leaving a squad.
Fixed squad mate's Hunter not disappearing from the Hangar after leaving the squad.
Fixed Hunter Training not automatically selecting for new accounts.
Fixed Hunters being able to activate abilities at the same time as a Colossus Kit.
Fixed windows being unable to be closed with a mouse click.
Fixed '3rd Place' appearing on completing Hunter Training.
Fixed interactables causing game crashes.
Fixed "Level-up any Hunter" Daily Mission.
Fixed Daily Missions not updating.
Fixed shortcut text color and capitalization.
Fixed Players being able to sprint during Ammo Refill.
Fixed the "No Key" prompt appearing on the Stats tab when using an Xbox controller.
Fixed Sound Settings not appearing in the correct languages.
Fixed being unable to pick up the Ammo Crate in Hunter Training if on full ammo.
Fixed being unable to progress Hunter Training if killed by the Colossus Kit Supply Pod.
Fixed the In-Game Language Setting being overridden by the Launcher.
Fixed the "Selected" text on the Hunter screen not being localized.
Fixed the Navigation Panel not being correctly localized.
Fixed the Training Mission reward screen not being correctly localized.
Fixed the server crashing after killing Colossus.
Fixed text not scaling or scrolling correctly when interacting with Supply Pods.
Fixed Mission text getting cut off when using Asian or Cyrillic alphabets.
Fixed issue with NPC drones freezing in the Rocket Barrage animation.
Fixed Drone Missile Barrage not damaging Players if the Drone is destroyed.
Fixed Hunters' fall animation being interrupted by colliding with small terrain.
Fixed Drones immediately using Rocket Barrage to attack Hunters.
Fixed client crash caused by explosions.
Fixed Legendary Scout Drones not having correctly localized names.
Fixed various texts in the Hangar being unlocalized.
Fixed localization errors with Fenris' Mod: Dread, Trenchwalker's Mod: Harmacist & Mod: Stimulant and Ursus' Mod: Iceberg & Mod: Ferocity.
Fixed Colossus being able to climb on top of Energy domes.
Fixed a rare crash related to Colossus' projectile effects.
Fixed Colossus' Spear Pickup interaction showing the Keyboard & Mouse key when using a controller.
Fixed an issue where the DoT icon for Fenris' Mod: Dread would not collapse when the effect ended.
Fixed Fenris Mod: Claw's 2nd effect not correctly adding 100 additional damage to targets.
Fixed Fenris Mod: Claw's 3rd effect not having the correct modifier.
Fixed Fenris' Blink Mod: Trickster not removing the stealth visual effects after ending.
Fixed Heartbreaker firing shots that do no damage and consume no ammo.
Fixed Prophet's hands raising too high in the air upon landing.
Fixed Razorside Mod: Barrage having the incorrect Ammo Regen values.
Fixed Razorside's Shield Recharge Mod: Overdrive having incorrect bonus damage effect on it's first Active Effect.
Fixed Razorside's Frag Grenade not showing explosion visuals if it lands on another Hunter.
Fixed Trenchwalker's Leech Gun ability's Mod: Drain not having colored hit markers on its first Active Effect.
Fixed Trenchwalker's Mod: Stimulant not doing bonus damage to Prophet's Drone or Weaver's Energy Barrier.
Fixed Trenchwalker Mod: Quattro's 3rd effect not losing stacks when shots are missed.
Fixed Trenchwalker firing shots with Leech Gun that do no damage and consume no energy.
Fixed Trenchwalker's base damage of all Weapon Mods being 1 lower than intended.
Fixed Ursus' animation when using a Repair Kit.
Fixed Ursus' Glacial Armor visual effects disappearing during a melee attack.
Fixed Ursus' Weapon Mods having incorrect weapon fire rates.
Fixed Weaver's Energy Barrier ability with the Mod: Assess to only show the ability cooldown seconds counter/progress bar if the number of available charges is 0.
Fixed Weaver Mod: Assess not granting +100% damage applied during deployment.